Friday, July 18, 2008

progress .... slow but sure

The dogs have really come out of their shells and are acting like puppies now. It's like having 2 toddlers around always getting into mischief :)
They are doing fine, tho'!
Bo and Faith both know sit and go home .... they also are playing more. When we first got them, they were kind of "shy" and slept alot... but not anymore ... it seems like they are ALWAYS playing ... they are even more like toddlers in that whenever one has a toy, that's exactly the toy the other one wants ... there is always alot of tug of war going on as well as jumping, chasing and wrestling... they have also brought out the "inner puppy" in our Golden, Joey. When Faith and Bo run around and play chase, it's one thing, but when Joey tries to join in, I have to send them outside to rough house.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Doing fine....

Bo and Faith are doing fine. We are working on a little bit of training right now... so far they have learned "sit" and "go home" .... Bo does so well at sitting when he is about to get a treat BEFORE I tell him to that I have to have him walk toward me a bit and then I give the "sit" command.... Faith is a little slower to respond to the command but then she does, as if she's thinking "oh yeah, that's what I'm supposed to do"
The "go home" command is used when we want them to go to their crates.... it depends on what mood they are in whether they listen or not :)
I am also working on "polite" leash walking... They are catching on that the walk progresses more quickly when they don't pull on the leash. When they pull I simply stop and say "no pull" ... if they continue to pull, I take a few steps backwards until they quit pulling. It takes a long time to get around the block but they are progressing nicely :)
Faith is a little better at this than Bo is, but Faith is a lot more laid back than Bo is :)
Here are some pics of them with my girls....

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Doc gave me the clearance to give them a bath today. I think that I got more wet than they did, but we got it done.... in a week or so after their stitches come out, I will get them groomed.
Bo got his bath first.... I put him in the tub with the water running already and he jumped back away from it at first... I had to drag him back closer to the water. He kept on wanting to get out, of course, but he and I both made it through just fine.
Faith was in the bath room observing what just happened to her brother, so she wouldn't come to me when I called her.... I had to drag her into the bath tub. She did fine once I got her in there, tho'!
After I towel dried them, I let them outside to run and "do their business" something about bath times always seem to relax a dog and they need to "go". Then, of course, they rolled and wallered in the grass for a while before they were ready to come in to get brushed... Faith does well getting brushed but Bo still likes to bite the brush :)