Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Doing fine....

Bo and Faith are doing fine. We are working on a little bit of training right now... so far they have learned "sit" and "go home" .... Bo does so well at sitting when he is about to get a treat BEFORE I tell him to that I have to have him walk toward me a bit and then I give the "sit" command.... Faith is a little slower to respond to the command but then she does, as if she's thinking "oh yeah, that's what I'm supposed to do"
The "go home" command is used when we want them to go to their crates.... it depends on what mood they are in whether they listen or not :)
I am also working on "polite" leash walking... They are catching on that the walk progresses more quickly when they don't pull on the leash. When they pull I simply stop and say "no pull" ... if they continue to pull, I take a few steps backwards until they quit pulling. It takes a long time to get around the block but they are progressing nicely :)
Faith is a little better at this than Bo is, but Faith is a lot more laid back than Bo is :)
Here are some pics of them with my girls....

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