Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bo & Faith

Bo & Faith are our Snorkies. For those of you who don't know, a Snorkie is a mix between and Schnauzer and a Yorkie. Troy says that they should be called Terrier Mixes, but I think Snorkie is much cuter. They are my dogs so I can call them Snorkies if I want too :)
Actually ... Bo is a Snorkie (more Schnauzer than Yorkie) and Faith is a Yauzer (more Yorkie than Schnauzer).... hehe
Bo & Faith have been living with us for 2 days now, but their story is a heartbreaking one. They were discovered in a animal shelter near Amarillo, TX. They were found by the shelter wandering around at the side of the road. They were on death row and had 3 days to live and that's when the OK Yorkie Rescue sprang into action. Through a network of other Yorkie lovers, they made there way to a foster family about a week and 1/2 ago. Those little one must have went through alot in the first 6 months of their little lives. Now they are living comfortably in their forever home.
Now about 7 months old, they were spayed and neutered, had dew claws removed and retained canines removed just 2 days ago. They are recovering wonderfully and in the 2 days that they have lived with us, they have started coming out of their shells and acting like puppies. This morning, they were outside "wrestling" with each other and playing. They also played tug of war with each other with a toy. As far as we could tell, they hadn't been introduced to toys until they were with their foster family, so this is all new to them.
Bo is the more active of the two and can't stand if one of our other furbabies are getting any attention. Faith is the snuggler and usually gets comfy and goes to sleep in your arms... that is until Bo notices then he wiggles his way in too to snuggle up.
Meeting Rocky
They find Rocky the squirrel facinating and love to stand and watch him as well as chase him back and forth as he runs through his cage.
They met Joey and Joey is really jealous of them, but Joey is so laid back, they get along fine.
They are still getting aquainted with Pearl. They want to "play" with her but she isn't interested.
They both need baths and a trim but after they have their stiches removed in about a week, I'll get them cleaned up.

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