Sunday, June 29, 2008

Rocky - Our Squirrel

Rocky, the Squirrel
Rocky the squirrel was rescued during the ice storms. Someone had cut down a tree and found two baby squirrels in it. They didn't want to just leave them alone to die, so they brought them to the animal ER where my husband works. One of the vet techs took them both home to nurture them back to health and my husband agreed to adopt one if they survived, and guess what, Rocky was a fighter and made it. At about 4 months old, Rocky came to live with us. We kept him inside in a cage until Troy could get one built outside for him to live in. We had considered letting him go into the wild, but he is such a friendly squirrel, that he doesn't realize there are predaters who could kill him and he wouldn't last long.
For the past 3 weeks or so, he has lived outside in a 4 ft deep, 8 ft wide and 8 ft tall. He has lots of branches to climb on, a squirrel box to sleep and feel safe in and a hammock to hang out in. He even is growning his own pumpkin vine. We feed him a variety of fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds. His favorites are strawberrys, peanuts and pumpkin seeds. I guess one of the pumpkin seeds got planted, and now he has his own pumpkin plant :)

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